Traction Levage is a designer and manufacturer of standard and special lifting accessories.
We have an integrated engineering department and our experts move to our customer's site to determine their needs.
Engineering department
- Complete analysis of the need.
- Expertise from design to production.
- Final element calculations.
- Calculations by algebraic method.
- Partnerships with other engineering offices.
- Non-bearing welds.
- Material optimisation [Accessory weight/load] ratio optimised.
- European Directive 2006/42/EC.
- Nome EN 13155 / Norme FEM au besoin.
- Coefficient 3 at breakage.
- High quality steel.
- Evaluation in offices and on site by independent auditors.
- Qualification of our calculation methods by an accredited agency.
- Overload test reproducing the actual lines of force of the provided device.
- Laser cutting / Water jet / Oxycutting.
- Qualification of our product categories by an organism.
- Qualification of welding employees EN 287.
- Qualification of inspection staff (cofren 2).
- Qualification of employees in overload test.
- Non-destructive inspection of welds.
- Non-destructive inspection of material quality.
- Aciers / Aluminium / Acier inoxydable.
- Stock tôle avec certificat 3.1b.
- Eléments porteurs de charge : acier haute qualité.
- Certificats matière pour les éléments porteurs de charge.
- Poutrelles : attestation conformité matière.
- Sheet metal in stock.
- Trade steel profiles.
- Steel profiles reconstituted by our company for specific needs.
- Steel profile completion.
- WLL marking on 2 sides.
- General marking.
- Weighted capacity marking per lifting point.
- Specific marking / Adhesives on request.
- Aluminium dientification plate Traction Levage.
- Customised plates possible.
Type of paint :
- Acrylic paint for metal structures in corrosive environments.
- Paint ACQPA C3M-C4-C5M.
- Paint Epoxy four.
- Decontaminable paint.
- Standard colour yellow or blood orange / Other shades on request.
Other coating :
- Electrogalvanizing / Bichromating / Hot dip galvanizing.
Overload test
- Essai en surcharge répliquant les lignes de force réelles de l’équipement proposé.
Download our technical specifications !

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You need a lifting beam? Contact us to find a suitable solution.