Portable cranes

Almost everybody that is responsible for maintenance, repair and/ or operational activities has been confronted in some kind of way with the requirement for a lifting tool to lower, lift or position parts. These activities are in a lot of cases done and executed on an infrequent timely-manner or even only in case of a breakdown or a failure.

Main Question is: “Do you require stationary lifting equipment for those applications where you only use a lifting tool, once a year or maybe even less than that?”

The Traction levage answer: “No you don’t, we can now in corporation with Thern offer you Portable Davit Cranes!”

This will give you the opportunity to install the bases (permanently) and the lightweight, easy to assemble (a matter of minutes and no tools required), Thern Portable Davit Cranes can be used for multiple applications and locations. The portability of the product provides you the opportunity to reduce the number of lifting tools and with that the investment as well as annual cost for testing and inspection of lifting equipment.


Find Thern's portable cranes here !


Just an example on the pictures, a waste-water-treatment plant to lower and lift various pumps, 8 bases have been installed and just 1 crane. The client was able to reduce his investment and have savings on costs for annual inspection and testing while getting a solution that is lightweight, portable and gets the job done..

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